2024 Racing Calendar

We made it another year and 2024 is already off to a great start. With a 3rd place finish at calico 50k and a new 100k PR at black canyons, the year is shaping up to be a good one.

I wanted to take some time and outline the 2024 race schedule and explain some of the preparation involved and how I will approach racing this season. This years races are;

4/20/24- Leona Divide 100k

6/7/24- San Diego 100

8/3/24- Angles crest 100

9/24- FKT Attempt

10/24- Kodiak 100k

This list is just the races that are confirmed. I will probably be adding some shorter distances in the mix just to work on speed and explore some of my interests around shorter distances trail races.

The approach to the longer stuff will be overall consistency. I will try and maintain higher volumes throughout the racing season and taper as needed approaching and following races. I want to maintain an overall base fitness level and tweak as necessary, sprinkling in workouts and long runs as needed. As always nutrition will be key, focusing on clean eating and getting plenty of fruits and veggies.

Another big change this year is the approach to recovery. Less days in the gym and more days doing yoga, stretching, and getting messages. After my back injury these last few weeks I am going to really be prioritizing mobility and stretching. Gotta take care of the body since it takes care of me ya know!

Overall iā€™m pretty stoked about what the season has in store. hopefully its my best one yet! see you out on the trails!


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